Eduardo Zepeda's latests posts
Don't make this mistake using arrays in Python
- python
The other day I was solving a kata in codewars , one of the steps of the problem needed a two-dimensional array, in more mundane words: an array of arrays. In Python it is super simple to create a two-dimensional array using the multiplication operator, as if it were numbers.
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How to upload multiple images in Django
- django
You probably already know how to upload an image using a Django model, but what if we don’t want to upload one but multiple images?
Django installation First we install Django using pipenv. We will also install Pillow since we will be dealing with images.
pip instal...
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Why should you use Django Framework?
- django
- opinions
Why use Django in a world where everything is Javascript? Is it really worth learning a Python Framework in an ecosystem that insists on Frameworks written in Javascript? Well, I think so, and here are some of the reasons why you should use Django. And, in order not to lose objec...
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Throttling on Nginx
- software architecture
- linux and devops
Ngnix throttling allows us to limit the number of requests to a certain user. This is useful to prevent excessive requests from a user from keeping the system busy. On the other hand, it is also a way to deter brute force password attempts or even DDOS attacks.
If you are loo...
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How to make a switch in Python?
- python
Python 3.10 was announced and it comes with something that many developers were missing from other languages: the switch statement. Yes, that piece of code that evaluates an expression and compares it with multiple cases to decide what to execute. Python did not have it implement...
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5 cool React libraries you should know about
- react
After several weeks posting about Django I wrote a short post about React, about libraries, because man does not live by Python alone. These are some of the libraries that I consider most useful in React. For obvious reasons are excluded React-router, Redux and others too well kn...
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What is Django genericForeignkey for?
- django
You want to use Django to relate one model to another using a foreign key, but the model you want to relate is a different one for each database entry. Django offers a solution to your problem, a generic foreign key called genericForeignKey and the ContentType model, which I talk...
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What does the ContentType application do in Django?
- django
Did you know that Django keeps track of each of the models you create for your project in a model called ContentType? Read on to learn about it.
Sorry for taking so long to write! I’ve been busy moving the frontend of my blog to Frontity, a React framework for Wordpress...
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How to create a command in django?
- django
You have used Django before, haven’t you? So, you already used some Django command, it could have been makemigrations, migrate, startproject, startapp or some other. But have you ever created any? Maybe you haven’t. Read on to learn how.
How to create a command in...
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Digital Ocean, analysis and my experience as a user
- software architecture
- opinions
Are you choosing a hosting service but don’t know which one to choose? Surely you have already had contact with Digital Ocean’s advertising but you want to hear a real opinion of what they have to offer. I’ve been using Digital Ocean for my personal projects for...
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