Eduardo Zepeda's latests posts
Go: string runes and bytes explained
- go
In this entry I will explain the basics of how strings, runes and bytes work in go, and even a little bit of utf-8.
To explain the topic I will assume you know the basics of slices and data types in go, if you don’t know about these topics visit my array, slices in gola...
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Golang maps or dictionaries
- go
In the go programming language, a map or hash table is the equivalent of a dictionary; they have a key that is related to a value. The key and value can be of different data types, but all keys must be of a single type and all values must be of the same type.
Hey! did you kno...
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Go: slices and arrays, basic characteristics and most common uses
- go
In go or golang slices, arrays and maps are structures for handling data collections. In this entry I am going to talk about the first two: slices and arrays.
In this entry I am going to use data types, zero values, and other very basic aspects of go. If you don’t know ...
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Go: loops for, break, continue, defer, if and else
- go
This entry will deal with loops in the go programming language.
Hey! did you know that I wrote a completely Free Go programming language tutorial?, you can find it directly in the top menu bar or clicking this box. Go handles loops a little differently than what you are used ...
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Go: functions, arguments and the fmt package
- go
This entry will discuss the basic syntax of Go functions. If you know absolutely nothing about go visit my entry go: introduction to programming language, variables and data types to start from the beginning of this tutorial series.
Hey! did you know that I wrote a completely...
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Go, coding language, introduction to variables and data types
- go
Golang, also known as go, is a compiled programming language developed by Google. It is a language quite appreciated according to the latest Stackoverflow surveys (2023), as you can see in my python vs go post, where I also compare the good, the bad and the ugly of this language....
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Django channels: channel layers, groups and users
- django
Channel layers allow you to interact and share information with different consumers in django channels. This allows each consumer to communicate with the rest. For example, when in a chat a user sends a message, everyone can read the message, when a user leaves a room, everyone c...
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Django channels: consumers, environments and events
- django
Why Django channels? Because Django does not allow us to create applications with real-time communication natively. Django channels gives Django the ability to handle protocols that require a persistent connection, such as WebSockets, MQTT, chatbots, while keeping intact its inte...
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Python vs Go Which is the Best Programming Language in 2024?
- go
- python
These last few months I have been learning go. How did it all start? Well, it started in a rather superficial way; I loved their mascot, yes, that’s really what it was all about. So after a brief mental debate, I decided to give the language a try. My first impression of it...
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Graphql and django with graphene
- django
Normally graphql is used in conjunction with Nodejs and express, or other javascript frameworks, to create a graphql API in which to make queries, but graphql can also be implemented with Python frameworks such as Django. We are going to create a django application that serves co...
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