Eduardo Zepeda's latests posts
The Big O notation
- linux and devops
- algorithms
I love astrophysics and try to keep up with new discoveries as they happen; whether they are trivial things, like the discovery of a new planet; or significant, like the hypothetical Dyson spheres they swear they find every month. But this time the discovery was simply outstandin...
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Learn Python from scratch with this free book
- python
Most of the content on the Internet about the Python programming language is in English; this is nothing new, just take a walk through your favorite bookstore and ask for books available in both languages. The material on Python in English, besides being abundant, is also quite g...
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Python virtualenv linux basic tutorial
- python
If you have no idea what a virtual environment is for, I have a post where I explain what virtual environments in Python are for. Today I’m here to bring you a little Python virtualenv tutorial where we’ll install a couple of packages in a virtual environment and see ...
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Why should you use a virtual environment in python?
- python
Python virtual environments are a tool that is used in every project. They are so important that they are part of the Python standard library, but what do they do? Let me tell you what a Python virtual environment is for with a fairly simple example.
Imagine you are developin...
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Learn python from scratch Beginning Python Review
- python
Beginning Python: From Novice To Professional was one of the first Python books I read. I chose this book because with it you could learn Python from scratch. The book starts from the installation of the language, going through the different types of data structures that Python i...
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To program a blog or to use wordpress?
- opinions
The other day a person asked me why I use Wordpress for my blog if I could develop a website by myself. In the post where I explain how I learned to program I even talked briefly about my lousy experience with PHP. So why did I choose Wordpress instead of developing my own blog f...
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Testing with tox in Python, tutorial from scratch
- python
- testing
Previously I briefly discussed unittest, coverage, mock, nose, nose, pytest and other testing tools in Python . You are probably wondering then why do we need more libraries? In this post we are going to talk a bit about tox, a testing tool for testing code in different versions ...
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Unittest python are python tests worthwhile?
- python
- testing
Long ago, when I started programming I thought that testing code was a waste of time. Why did I need to write more code? python unittest? mock? I could just read the code, see the places where the code might fail and handle the problem with a try and an except (or the equivalent ...
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An Algorithm Problem a Day
- linux and devops
The other day, one of the youtubers I follow recommended a page to receive algorithms by email How would you like to receive one algorithm problem a day in your email? That’s 7 problems per week and 365 problems per year. Imagine how much it would improve your problem solvi...
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Mastering Chmod Command: Linux Permissions Simplified
- linux and devops
The previous entry was the third part of the series on the most common GNU/Linux commands. To end the entry I wrote about the chmod command, which manages permissions . This chmod command is one of the most complex commands in GNU/Linux, not because of its variety of options, but...
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