Eduardo Zepeda's latests posts
What does the ContentType application do in Django?
- django
Did you know that Django keeps track of each of the models you create for your project in a model called ContentType? Read on to learn about it.
Sorry for taking so long to write! I’ve been busy moving the frontend of my blog to Frontity, a React framework for Wordpress...
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How to create a command in django?
- django
You have used Django before, haven’t you? So, you already used some Django command, it could have been makemigrations, migrate, startproject, startapp or some other. But have you ever created any? Maybe you haven’t. Read on to learn how.
How to create a command in...
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Digital Ocean, analysis and my experience as a user
- software architecture
- opinions
Are you choosing a hosting service but don’t know which one to choose? Surely you have already had contact with Digital Ocean’s advertising but you want to hear a real opinion of what they have to offer. I’ve been using Digital Ocean for my personal projects for...
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How to scale a Django app to serve one million users?
- software architecture
- django
Wish your Django app could handle a million hits? This post is a compilation of articles, books, and videos I’ve read on how to take a Django application to its maximum capabilities, I’ve even implemented some of these recommendations myself.
It’s also a goo...
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Javascript vs Python which language is better in 2025?
- javascript
- python
Updated to 2024: If you’ve used only Python or only Javascript, you’re probably a little curious to know what the other one looks like. I’ve used both and I can tell you a bit about the differences and some things in common that both languages have, so you can f...
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How to create a history of products with django and redis?
- django
You are browsing an ecommerce site, a product catches your attention and you click to see it, but you are not convinced. You decide to see other options, click on a new product and, when you scroll to the bottom of the page, the page shows you the first product you saw under the ...
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Django Annotate and aggregate explained
- django
- databases
The computer screen illuminated my face full of despair, I rubbed my head in despair, while I googled: “Django annotate”; one of the ORM functions that I could not understand. Did it happen to you too, I bet it did. I had already read the documentation but it didn&rsq...
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Nginx keepalive, gzip, http2: better performance on your website
- linux and devops
Some months ago I was reviewing the Lighthouse settings for a website when I realized that it did not comply with certain recommendations, it was using http/1.1, no gzip compression, no cache. Later I fixed the problems, I’ll tell you how below. In this post I talk about th...
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FastAPI tutorial, the best Python framework?
- docker
- fastapi
These last few days I have been testing a Python library that is becoming famous, FastAPI, a framework for creating APIs, such as REST APIs or RPC APIs. FastAPI promises to help us create fast APIs in a simple way, with very little code and with extraordinary performance, to supp...
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